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Southern Division Certified Program
2014 Certfied Exam

Certified is a program that demands

"... the highest level of proficiency from patrollers through training and testing and would promote a level of patrolling in which there would be no compromise with excellence in skiing, first aid, patrol management, administration and leadership."
— George Wesson [1921-2010], who developed the Certified Program for NSP and subsequently for Southern Division.

This program includes the following modules, all of which must be completed with a three-year period:

  • Module 1: Area Operations and Risk Management
  • Module 2: Avalanche Management
  • Module 3: Emergency Care
  • Module 4: Lift Evacuation and Rope Knowledge
  • Module 5: Skiing/Snowboarding
  • Module 6: Toboggan Handling
Certified Program Supervisor

Certified Program Roundtable 2022

Southern Division Certified
Division Program
Snowshoe Patrol
Certified Pre Qualification Clinic . This pre-qualifier is for patrollers that have submitted an application. This event determines acceptance into the program. Begins 8 am .
Certified Pre Qualification 1-4-2025 Nate Wagley
Bryce Patrol
Topics to be covered: OEC ORM LARR
Certified Clinic #1 OEC/ORM/LARR 2-1-2025 Nate Wageley
Ski Beech Mountain Patrol
Topics to be covered: OEC ORM AVI
Certified Clinic #2: OEC/ORM/AVI 2-23-2025 Nate Wageley
Snowshoe Patrol
This is a 2 day evaluation .
Certified 2 Day Evaluation 3-7-2025 to 3-8-2025 Nate Wageley
Snowshoe Patrol
Certified Evaluation on snow all modules
Certified Evaluation 3-7-2025 to 3-8-2025 Nate Wageley
Blue Ridge Region
Virginia Region
West Virginia Region
click here to follow the southern division on facebook
click here to follow the women's program on facebook
click here to follow the snowsports school on facebook

Pay for classes and clinics using PayPal!
Specify in 'comments' your name and what you are registering for

The Final Sweep: In Memory Of The Fallen